Thursday, April 28, 2011


I’ve been playing a lot of solitaire lately and I’m pretty much hooked. I sometimes will lie in bed on my cell phone and just play until I can barely even keep my eyes open anymore. It’s one of my favorite games. I love how simple it is and easy to learn. There’s nothing like a game that you can play any time of the day, no matter how tired or stressed out you may be. I have it on every device I own. I have it on my laptop, my cell phone and even on my Kindle. I like to have it with me no matter where I go. It’s great to have when you are at a doctor’s appointment or waiting in line.

When I was trying out for XFactor the other day, I was stuck at Key Arena in Seattle for about 14 hours. I was so bored. Sadly, I didn’t bring my charger so my phone went dead about half way through the waiting process so I tried not to play all that much. I asked my dad if I could use his phone but he said no because he didn’t want his to die as well lol.

It’s pretty lame how quickly cell phones go dead. If I would have had my charger, I think everything would have gone so much more quickly. I was so bummed out when I realized I could have even brought my computer. I work online so it would have been cool to be able to get some stuff done while waiting. I didn’t sleep the night before too, so I was extra tired.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Free puzzle games

I’m a huge fan of free puzzle games online. I can’t get enough of these things. It seems like they’re everywhere and I’m not sure if it’s just me but I feel like they’re getting more and more popular all the time. I love playing things like Sudoku and Solitaire. Okay, Solitaire doesn’t fit into this category but it’s still a really fun game!

There’s something addicting about a game where you have to try to figure something out and piece things together. There are some nights that I will stay up so late that I barely get a wink of sleep at all. I’m so addicted to these types of games. Anyone else feel the same way I do?

I guess I just find them to be a really great escape from my hectic life and it’s something to do that helps me relax when I really need to turn my brain off and get everything stressful off my mind.

I have been playing games like this for as long as I can remember and I’m guessing these will always be the types of games that I will play. What’s so great about them is that they are fun for the entire family. I love trying to beat my little sister’s scores. There are times that she will come over and we will just play and play and the hours will fly by. It’s so much fun and we never seem to get bored with it. Crazy, huh?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life Is Comedy

I’m starting to change my outlook on life. Life has so many twists and turns and while sometimes things don’t turn out the way we want them to, there is always something good that comes out of every situation. Humor has really saved my life. While some things seem so tragic and so life-ending, there is always humor in everything. I may have a bit of a morbid sense of humor but if I didn’t, I don’t know how I would have ended up being such a happy person after dealing with everything I have. Life isn’t going to be easy forever, and I realized that very quickly during my childhood. Things never seemed to go my way and everything was constantly changing and completely unstable. The only way I knew how to deal with all the tragedy and pain around me was by laughing at it. I used to make jokes about my mother and about our family. I would talk about the sad things and turn them into something I could make fun of.

Having hope for the future has always been a major life saver for me. Without looking ahead, I would have probably gotten lost in everything that was going on around me. My favorite saying is, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and I am a firm believer in that. Everything in life adds to a piece of your experience and without all of those experiences you’ve had, whether good or bad, you wouldn’t be who you are today.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Loss Does to the Heart

Losing someone you love is indescribable. Nothing can prepare you for the emotions that follow the death of a loved one. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known, how “prepared” you think you are; the emotions are going to sneak up out of the blue and smack you right in the face. It’s been a year and two months since losing my grandmother and sometimes it feels like she was just here yesterday. I wish I could call her, tell her about my day, ask her advice. I miss the littlest things. What I wouldn’t give to hold her hand, to hear her laugh.

One thing I learned from her death was how capable I am. I really thought that once she was gone, I was going to become nothing. I didn’t think my life would go on. I felt that I couldn’t function without her. I didn’t know what I was going to do with myself. I actually handled it pretty well, overall.

The hardest time was probably the day before she died. I just knew it was coming soon and had this overwhelming guilt that I never got to say goodbye and thought about all the time I wasn’t with her, when I could have been. It’s been a long, hard road but at the end of the day, I know I can’t obsess over it too much because my life has to go on. I know that’s what she would want of me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Apartment Issues

When the time came for me to get my own place with my (now) fiancĂ©, I immediately chose an apartment. I wanted something close to where we were living so I would feel comfortable in the area and something that was in a complex that I felt safe because of the lighting, and the general atmosphere and vibe I got when visiting. Looking back, I really wish we would have planned our move more and shopped around a bit. Seriously, houses right now are so cheap, it’s pretty insane. Not saying everyone can afford them right now, but if you can; now is the time! I have found so many houses in our area that are going for less than $200,000. I know that’s quite a bit of money but the monthly payments on them are cheaper than what we are paying for our apartment right now. Pretty crazy, right? Looking back, it’s upsetting realizing how many months we would have already been into our new house. I wish we would have been able to do it back then. But, the past is the past. I can’t wait until we are able to get into a house that is cheap. I’m so tired of apartments and all their problems. Right now we have a leaky toilet and the windows leak as well, which lead to mold if you don’t clean them all the time. I know things like this could happen at a house, but I’m just so sick of neighbors and having to be quiet. I want to be able to do our laundry at 2 in the morning if we want to, and play movies or music loud. It’s something to look forward to for sure! I’m very excited!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Small Breasts Are Sexy Too

I don’t think I’ll ever understand why people feel the need to get breast implants. I think it’s so sad when a female feels so uncomfortable in her own skin that she feels she needs to change her body. All of us have our insecure moments but at the end of the day, we should be able to look in the mirror and be happy with what we see. If there are people in our lives that are criticizing us, then they don’t deserve to be in our lives. There is a huge difference between someone caring about you and telling you something has to change for your own health to benefit and those just being plain mean. Girls who make fun of other girl’s boob-size obviously are insecure in their own skin and they feel the need to take it out on someone else. Why else would they do it, honesty?

Never let a guy make you feel like you need to change who you are. If he can’t be happy with the size of your breasts then he obviously doesn’t love and respect you the way he should. What has really helped me stop worrying about my breast size is just knowing that everyone is different and if anyone cares to make a comment about my boobs, then they obviously have issues with themselves.

Stay strong and keep doing what you do. No one can make you feel embarrassed, but you!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Latest Gossip On Christina Aguilera

Lately, there is so much gossip going around about Christina Aguilera and I don’t know if it started because of the Burlesque film or because of her filing for divorce. I can’t imagine what it must be like for someone like her, everyone watching you and your every move, wanting to know what’s going on in your day to day life. I think that would drive me crazy. Sometimes I can barely handle my own life and I’m just a normal person.

As her fan, I worry about her a lot. I don’t want her to do things that are going to harm her and when I hear rumors about her getting drunk, falling asleep on a guy’s bed at a party she wasn’t invited to, etc; I just wish her the best and I hope they’re not true. At the end of the day, it’s none of my business and I know it has nothing to do with me but I hate to see people upset. It’s sad to see such a happy marriage just end like that. I can’t believe what must go through her head each day when she wakes up and has to face a day without her husband. I’ve never had a relationship as long as hers was and all I can tell you is, if my boyfriend were to be out of my life tomorrow, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. That would definitely be a major change to deal with.

Christina, wherever you are right now (although I know you’ll never read this lol), I hope that you are happy and I hope you find the strength within yourself to get through this. You’re such a fighter and this time will pass. You’ll see!